Types of Web Design

Types of Web Design


Around 71% of small businesses have a website. Not only does a website help these businesses to connect with customers but it also helps them to establish their branding online. This builds familiarity with customers, driving sales over time. 

There are several ways to bring your branding ideas to life through a website, many of which we're going to discuss in this article. Without further ado, here are 7 types of web design options to help establish your brand identity online.

1. Single-Page Designs

One option is to create a single-page website. This involves sub-dividing a single page into many different sections, all of which can be scrolled down with ease. This is particularly beneficial on phones, as phones greatly facilitate rapid scrolling. 

With a single-page design, you're essentially just creating an interactive brochure. You can start with a 'Home' section, followed vertically by an 'About' section, then a 'Services' section and so on and so forth. 

This isn't to say that you can't link to other pages. For instance, if your website has a blog, you're going to need to be able to link to different blog posts. It's just that the primary components of your website will be listed on a singular page. 

Single-page designs can also be used to deliver brand narratives in a linear fashion. For instance, you could use text that seamlessly transitions from section to section. This would be an effective way of conveying your company's identity, all the while establishing an effective online domain for your organization. 

2. Split-Page Designs

Another option is to employ split-page designs. This is where you split the page into two, with one section of content on the left and another section of content on the right. 

This is particularly useful when selling similar but opposing types of products. For instance, you might sell women's clothing and men's clothing. You could use this type of design to display women's clothing on the left and men's clothing on the right, for example. 

This isn't generally used for the entirety of a website. It's best employed on a situational basis. For the right occasions, it can be an effective way of displaying products and services. 

3. No-Scroll Designs

You might also consider using a no-scroll design. This is a design wherein all of each web page's content is confined to a single, non-moving screen. The benefit of this is that the user doesn't have to scroll up or down at all. 

The challenge of no-scroll designs, of course, is keeping your amount of content to a minimum. You need to be as concise as possible as you're dealing with limited space. 

However, if you can get it down, you might be pleased with the results: a compact and direct digital brochure of information that's easy to use and scan. 

4. Image Overlays

If you really want your branding to pop, you should consider using image overlays on your website. This is when you place a contoured image on top of a completely different background. Doing so brings the image to the visual forefront, and therefore, ensures that it's seen by the user. 

For instance, you might use a multi-colored background. You might then use a cut-out picture of your work team and put it on top of that background. Add a bit of shadow behind the image and you've got an extremely aesthetically pleasing home page. 

5. Sticky Navigation Menus

Want to keep your brand logo present during the entirety of your website's use? If so, you should consider using a sticky navigation menu. This is a navigation menu that travels with the web user as they're scrolling down. 

Not only does such a navigation menu allow for optimal efficiency, but it also enables you to display your company's logo constantly, regardless of where the user is on the website. This breeds greater brand familiarity and thus increases the chances of website visitors remembering your company. 

6. Contrasting Colors

If you want visitors to your website to notice your branding, you need to make efforts to ensure that your branding stands out. One way of helping it "pop" is to use contrasting colors

In other words, don't place your brand logo over a neutral gray background. Place it over a background that's opposite of its color. 

For instance, if your brand logo is bright yellow, you might consider putting it over a dark background. If your logo is dark blue, you should consider putting it over a light background. 

You should still remain fairly loyal to your color scheme. Just be sure that there's plenty of difference between opposing design elements. 

7. Customized Fonts

Your branding doesn't have to stop at color schemes, slogans, and logos. Another thing you can do to build your brand is give it a custom font. This, of course, could be widely used on your website, whether it's only used for headers or for both headers and text. 

Fonts all come with their very own vibes. There are classy fonts, playful fonts, brutal fonts, and everything in between. If you can create a font that's easy to read, unique, and memorable, you can greatly boost your branding. 

Think about it: every person who visits your website will see your font. If it's different in some way, it will imprint itself into their minds and thus increase the chances of them doing business with you in the future. 

If you're interested in creating a custom font for your website, give a call to a marketing or design agency. They'll help you create something that's appealing and unique. 

There Are All Types of Web Design Options 

When it comes down to it, there are all types of web design options. These are only a few of the many that you can select from. If you're looking for more website design ideas, you should strongly consider working with a professional web designer or marketing company. 

Looking for a website designer in Toronto? If so, look no further than Perron Marketing Group. We've assisted countless businesses in designing a website.

Regardless of your web design preferences and needs, we have you covered. Contact us now to discuss your needs in detail!